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How to take care of your menthal health during the Covid 19th pandemic


During the summer of 2021, amidst the ongoing pandemic, the NGO Medical Aid approached the animator Sylwia Kubus to create animations addressing COVID-19 in Libya. Sylwia entrusted me with developing one of these animations. Drawing inspiration from her distinctive style, I meticulously designed the illustrations and animations to align seamlessly with her vision. It was a collaborative effort aimed at raising awareness and disseminating crucial information during a challenging time.

Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go-to font for titles, paragraphs & more.



CLIENT: Medical Aid
CONCEPT & SCRIPT: Sylwia Kubus

DESIGN: Clàudia Villagrasa

ANIMATION: Clàudia Villagrasa

SOUND: Clàudia Villagrasa

VOICE OFF: Medial Aid

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